There are numerous different card and role-playing games. For the most part. these systems cannot interact with one another and exist on their own creative islands preventing cross-wordplay. For people with diverse tastes and interests, there needs to be a framework enabling multiple worlds to play harmoniously together. Harmonious Worlds allows all real-world and fictitious creations to be combined together to create a better world.
The game, Harmonious Worlds Role Playing Game, is a universal framework to enable multiple different statistics and attributes (strength, hit points,…) derived from either real-world data, fiction, or gaming systems to interact in a seamless environment. For example, you could play baseball players against wild animals after normalizing key statistics. Gameplay focuses on plot (for example saving a village from ramping monsters) and activities (events that occur during gameplay) rather than the mechanics. The game can be played in pure cooperative mode or with a central game master who reads the cards, handles the mechanics of the game, and keeps the players focused on the world they have created. Harmonious Worlds is a turn-based game with players navigating a playing area consisting of downward-facing cards (tiles) that have an outcome typewritten on the back. When an outcome type is revealed the player pulls a card from the appropriate deck and follows the instructions. The game progress until the plays reach predefined goals (reveal all clue cards) or all get knocked out. The level of complexity is up to the players so a game can be tailored for any age or desired level of difficulty.
All the material needed to start creating your own games is already in your home; sheets of paper, a pen, a six-sided dice, and little patients. Your family can create their own cards and tiles and look up character statistics on the Internet!